
Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday of the First Week of Lent

2 March 2012

Today's story tells us of Rachel at the Well.
The scriptural basis for this story can be found in Genesis 29.

"And so Jacob, setting out, arrived in the eastern land.And he saw a well in a field, and also three flocks of sheep reclining near it. For the animals were watered from it, and its mouth was closed with a great stone. And the custom was, when all the sheep were gathered together, to roll away the stone. And when the flocks had been refreshed, they placed it over the mouth of the well again. And he said to the shepherds, “Brothers, where are you from?” And they answered. “From Haran.” And questioning them, he said, “Do you know Laban, the son of Nahor?” They said, “We know him.” He said, “Is he well?” “He is very well,” they said. “And behold, his daughter Rachel approaches with his flock.” And Jacob said, “There is still much daylight remaining, and it is not time to return the flocks to the sheepfold. Give the sheep to drink first, and then lead them back to pasture.” They responded, “We cannot, until all the animals are gathered together and we remove the stone from the mouth of the well, so that we may water the flocks.” They were still speaking, and behold, Rachel arrived with her father’s sheep; for she pastured the flock. When Jacob had seen her, and he realized that she was his maternal first cousin, and that these were the sheep of his uncle Laban, he removed the stone which closed the well. And having watered the flock, he kissed her. And lifting up his voice, he wept. And he revealed to her that he was a brother of her father, and the son of Rebekah. And so, hurrying, she announced it to her father. And when he had heard that Jacob, his sister’s son, had arrived, he ran to meet him. And embracing him, and kissing him heartily, he brought him into his house."

Readings for the Day:
     Ezekiel 18:21-28
     Psalm 130:1-8
     Matthew 5:20-26

Collect for the Day:
"Grant that your faithful, O Lord, we pray, may be so conformed to the paschal observances, that the bodily discipline now solemnly begun may bear fruit in the souls of all. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."

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